Ad data agency overview for Looker Studio

The fastest ad data agency overview for Looker Studio

Coming soon! - Cervinodata has recently submitted the ad data agency overview for Looker Studio to be reviewed and approved by Google. When published, this will be the fastest connector that reports on ad account data for all available ad platforms. Be the first to know when it has been approved:

Results per ad account

Report on all your key metrics cross ad platform for all your ad accounts & clients. This connector is at it's best for midsized to larger agencies with 10+ ad accounts per ad platform and multiple ad platforms.


Much faster than Supermetrics. Dealing with long lists of Facebook Ads accounts? this Cervinodata connector will deliver the results in seconds, not minutes.

Results per ad account

Cervinodata - with it's "Organisation" layer - allows agencies to report on total ad spend per customer without having to create custom fields or formulas.


Saves time when dealing with clients that have multiple Facebook Ads accounts or multiple ad accounts across multiple ad platforms.Contains prebuilt calculated fields - cross ad platform.

Results per ad platform

Easily make totals of your total ad spend per ad platform, filter by Organisation and by ad platform.


At-a-glance-insight in your platform performance and trends in ad spend, impressions, click, conversion.

Ad data agency overview template for Looker Studio

Get the Ad data agency overview template directly from the Looker Studio connector gallery here: to the Looker Studio Gallery

Ad data agency overview for Google Data Studio

Ad data agency overview connector for Looker Studio

Ad data agency overview connector for Google Data Studio

Other Looker Studio connectors from Cervinodata

  • Facebook Ads multi account connector: more information here (or get them from the gallery here)
  • Google Analytics multiple views connector: more information here (or in the gallery here)
  • Multiple ad accounts with campaign level data: more information here (or in the gallery here)
  • Multiple ad accounts with campaign level data and blended with Google Analytics: more information here  (or in the gallery here)