Cervinodata's unique features

Here's a bullet point summary of Cervinodata's unique features. To make it easy for you we have compared our features with our key competitors. Check out Supermetrics vs Cervinodata and Funnel.io vs Cervinodata to see how we stand out.

Full data control

Apply filters
Add targets & budgets
Add margins on costs
Combine multiple clients
Combine multiple accounts
Combine campaigns cross-channel
Include Adgroup, Ad set level data

High data privacy

Separate instance per agency
Private server in the cloud (Gold)
"On premise" virtual appliance (Enterprise)
Data privacy by design (NDA is standard)


Trends & direction
Computations (revenue share, etc.)
Alerts & anomaly detection
Algorithms & custom computations (Enterprise)

Easy data delivery

Deliver in CSV, JSON, xlsx, Google Sheets
Deliver to SFTP, REST, Google Big Query, AWS
Visualise in top notch visualisation tools
  • Google Data Studio
  • Infogram
  • Klipfolio
  • Sigma Computing
  • Tableau

Everything for agencies

Features built for agencies
Save hours per client each month
Automates repetitive tasks
Helps you interpret data

In case you have any further questions.